Your kids need you both. Here’s how to make it work.
Keep It Civil
Talk clearly. Avoid drama. Focus on the kids.
Communication Plan:
- Choose the least confrontational method
- Stick to the point
- Be prepared
“Hey, Molly needs soccer gear by Thursday. When can we hand it off?”
Schedule Smart
Use a shared calendar. Be flexible, but consistent.
Money Matters
Be transparent. Document shared costs. Pay promptly.
When Things Get Tough
Consider a mediator. Keep records. Stay calm.
Emotional Support
Kids need stability. Be their rock.
- Listen without judgment
- Validate their feelings
- Keep adult issues private
Don’t bad-mouth your ex. It hurts the kids.
Consistency Counts
Align on rules. Bedtimes, screen time, chores – same at both homes.
“Let’s agree on an 8 PM bedtime for school nights.”
New Partners
Introduce slowly. Respect your ex’s feelings.
Rule of thumb: Wait six months before meeting the kids.
You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself.
- Find support
- Manage stress
- Stay healthy
Remember: Your well-being affects your parenting.
Special Occasions
Plan ahead for holidays and birthdays. Be flexible.
Tip: Create new traditions that work for everyone.
Remember: Co-parenting isn’t a competition. It’s about your kids.