Want your ex back? Let’s talk about the Law of Attraction (LOA). It’s simple: you attract what you think about most.
Here’s a quick guide to using LOA for love:
- Decide what you want
- Ditch negative thoughts
- Accept the outcome
Does it work?
I’ll be blunt: thoughts alone won’t cut it. But they’re part of the process.
Think you can’t get your ex back? You won’t try.
Think you can? You might.
Trying matters.
A 3-step LOA method
1. Decide what you want
Picture your ideal relationship. Be specific. Write it down.
2. Ditch negative thoughts
Caught in a negative spiral? Change the mental channel. Think of something good.
3. Accept the outcome
Don’t fight life. Accept what you can’t control. It frees your mind for better things.
My take
Positive thoughts help, but they’re not enough. You need action too.
Add this step:
4. Follow a proven plan
Find a strategy that’s worked for others. Try my breakup dojo (search online).
Bottom line
Your thoughts matter. After a breakup, odds seem low. But a positive attitude helps.
Believe in yourself. It can only improve your chances.