The answer depends on who ended it.
If he broke up with you, let him come to you. If you ended it, make the first move.
He Broke Up With You
Give him space for a few weeks. Let him decide what he wants.
Why this works:
- It shows confidence. You respect yourself.
- It reveals his true feelings. If he comes back, you negotiate better terms.
Watch out: He might just want sex. Wait for a committed relationship before sleeping with him.
You Broke Up With Him
Don’t expect him to make the first move. That’s not fair.
Give him time to vent and heal. Then check in.
Warning: Contacting too soon risks facing his anger.
If you’re lucky, he’ll fight for you anyway. Encourage that.
What If He Never Calls?
Wait 30 days max. Then reach out.
Men can be stubborn. He might feel ashamed.
No shame in making the first move. It shows control and courage.
Send a good first message. You might be surprised by the response.
Remember: Many couples reunite because the woman took action.