What Does It Mean When Your Ex Unblocks You?

It’s not uncommon after a breakup for one or both to block the other on social media. It’s a way to help move forward by severing ties with a painful past. But what does it mean when your ex unblocks you?

There could be any number of reasons why your ex unblocked you. For example:

  • Maybe they’ve been thinking about you and realised they still have feelings for you.
  • Perhaps they want to be friends or at least have a cordial relationship.
  • They could also need something from you, like closure or a piece of property.

Whichever the reason, your job is to remain calm and level-headed.

Let’s explore these a bit more…

Three Possibilities

They realised they still have feelings for you: If your breakup was recent, it’s possible your ex unblocked you because they realised they still have feelings for you. This is especially likely if you were the one who was dumped.

If your ex starts reaching out to you, you must be careful. Make sure you’re mentally strong before allowing yourself to be drawn back in.

They want to be friends: Sometimes people can stay friends with their ex. If this is what your ex wants, it won’t hurt to consider the idea. You may even be able to capitalise on the friendship and win them back (if you want to.)

Alternatively, it is possible to be friends with your ex and nothing more. And for some, this can be a sound way to move on.

They need something from you: It’s possible your ex unblocked you because they need something from you. They might want to get back together, or they might need to talk to you about something important.

Not Keen? Here’s Your Game Plan

If your reaches out and you’re not interested in talking? It’s okay to feel a mix of emotions. But remember, your boundaries matter.

You can choose to ignore their messages. Sometimes, no response is the best response. It shows you’re not interested in talking again.

But if you feel they deserve an answer or ignoring them doesn’t sit right with you, a short, polite message could work. Something like, “Thanks for your message, but I think it’s best we move on separately,” respects everyone’s feelings.

Keen? Here’s Your Next Steps

If your ex unblocks you and you’re open to reconnecting, remember to be mature and clear about what you want.

First, take your time. Don’t rush to message them. Patience lets you gather your thoughts and gives your ex some space. They might even reach out first.

If they don’t, and you decide to message them, keep it light and friendly. A simple “Hey, how are you this fine day?” can break the ice without sounding desperate.

As you chat, don’t rush to talk about your past relationship or getting back together. Understand why they unblocked you before sharing your feelings or expectations. They might not want the same things as you, so avoid disappointment or misunderstanding.

If your ex is interested in reconnecting, take it slow. Healing takes time, and rushing back into a relationship could bring up old problems.

Now What?

If your ex contacts you, ensure you’re clear about what you want. Don’t let them take advantage of you.

Your ex unblocking you is a mixed message (initially,) so it’s important to be fluid and open-minded about what it means. Be careful and be smart about how you handle it.

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About the author: i’m a relationship coach specialising in breakup recovery. i’ve been doing this for 12+ years helping thousands worldwide. i created the Breakup Dojo, a popular program with over 1,000 members. i’ve authored several in-demand breakup recovery products, drawing from my deep fascination with psychology. i also publish the “ex-communication” newsletter that’s packed with actionable advice to over 10,000 subscribers worldwide.