Moving On Series

March 2025

"An EASY to follow email series helping you move on from a breakup"

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met

Dear friend,

Breaking up is messy.

When your ex told you it was over, it probably felt like they reached deep inside of you, and tore out your heart and soul.

I’m sorry you had to experience that.

Maybe you don’t feel quite the same anymore? Maybe you feel numb, defeated, and like there’s no purpose in your life.

Or, maybe you feel panic, anxiety, or even ANGER… over the smallest things, even over no-thing?


You have recently experienced a painful separation. Let’s not forget that. So please, I want you to know it is NORMAL to feel the way that you do...

Even weeks and months later?


In fact, some may take YEARS to properly deal with their breakup. Which is a horrifying thought.

Even so…

However long ago your breakup was, I am sure you wish you were handling this dark chapter of your life BETTER than you have been…

And perhaps deep down, you know you COULD do better?


I know you are reading this because you are not as happy as you long to be. Plain and simple.

So all I want to do is help you close the gap.

Might I humbly offer that?


Help to see things a better way, to manage things a better way, to move forward a better way…

Might that be a positive next step in your journey?

Don’t get me wrong...

Moving on, letting go, moving forward.. odds are good you WILL — eventually — do that….. given enough time, one way or another.. hopefully.

But I see too many taking far longer than they COULD, and that saddens me.

If you are taking longer than you need to, dear reader?..

Then I invite you to receive my MOVING ON course.

Why Do I Need This?

You don’t. You can wing it, you can hope you’ll feel better soon. And you can wait. And in time, you SHOULD feel better.

However, if you’ve already tried that route and it’s not working well..?

OR you’re the kind of person who takes pain killers when in pain rather than waiting it out..?

Then you’ll choose the path of least resistance.

So that together, we will get your true self back and bypass the frustrating trial & error.

What Will I Get?

The complete MOVING ON course.

This course is written entirely for the purpose of helping you move on from a failed relationship.

This course will be sent to you over a series of short easy-to-consume segments, delivered straight to your inbox (via email.)

Each week you will receive 3 or 4 emails from me, spaced a day or two apart..

Each email contains a lesson or prod to help you navigate to a better mental and emotional state.

And this will continue for at least 6 weeks..

That’s 3+ emails every week, for 6+ weeks.

Aside: Each email will contain a lesson.. each that has the potential to give you a “ah ha” moment, or a new perspective on your situation, or a new feeling of hope and progress.

At the end of the course I will send you a PDF containing every single lesson so you can read it through again (and print it out if you wish.)

So This Course is Delivered By Email?

Yes. This is email-only. Delivered straight to your inbox.. starting right after you join.

That said: at the end of the course you will receive a PDF containing every lesson (so you can consume it a different way.) And I may even put the lessons online at some point in the future..

Will Their Be Updates?

Almost certainly..

And all customers will receive those updates (even when the price goes up, what you pay today will entitle you to all future updates.)

Do You Offer a Guarantee?

Yes! I guarantee you will feel BETTER by the end of this course than before you started it. If not, let me know and I’ll refund you in full. No questions asked.

How to Start?

  • Click on the “Proceed to Checkout” button below;
    • You can then pay securely through either PayPal, Stripe (all standard debit and credit cards welcomed), or Apple Pay;
      • After checkout you will be taken to a special page where you can specify the email address you want the course lessons sent to.

        Price: $47

        One time payment

        Add to Cart

        I look forward to helping you move forward.

        In your corner,

        Michael Fulmer

        PS. The complete moving on course starts when you are ready. How soon do you want to feel better?

        Don’t delay your progress any longer.

        You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down
        Mary Pickford