Ex Back Quiz/Calculator: Will They Come Back? (Try This Today)

This is the simplest quiz you will find. If you are wondering what your chances are to get back with your ex, and want to use a quiz to gauge your odds then keep reading.

(It won’t take you very long to read, mind. As you will see.)

In the 10 years of helping men and women get their ex back by writing articles, coaching, and offering online courses, I have come to know a thing or two about the matter. And you will be surprised by what I am about to say.

Actually, let’s postpone my words and get to the quiz first.

Ex Back Quiz by Michael Fulmer

Here’s the Quiz ↓

↑ Did you do the quiz?

If yes, and you read the rambling words I gave after the results, then you will know:

There is a better question to ask than “what are my chances?” —AND— there are better things to be doing with your time than using a quiz…

OK, here’s a MUCH better question to ask:

What Chance Would I Like?


See, you always have a chance to get your ex back. Aways. There is never a 0% chance with life. The only condition is you and your ex are still in the land of the living! If so, you have a chance 🙂

Understand: People love to predict what your chances will be —and they have made “tools” to give the illusion of an answer— but it does not change the reality that:

  1. People with “low” chances can still get their ex back;
  2. People with HIGH chances can still fail;

So, I say… rather than ask WHAT your chances are…

Ask yourself, “what chance would I like?”

And if you’re smart, you’ll go one step further and ask, “What can I do to improve the chance I already have?”

Take a peek at this simple chart:

Your Ex Back Chance Quiz Chart

You must only pay attention to the things that improve your chances. Never to wondering WHAT your chances are. And so, “get your ex back quizzes” are not useful if you ask me!

Think of all those couples who are now happily together that experts had said would never reunite, or who had received a low score based on a quiz!

It’s just not useful. And if a quiz told you your chances were small, would you give up? Or, would you prefer to give it a shot ANYWAY?

Now, about that chart…

Not All Plans Are the Same

The chart above shows how your chances go up when you follow a good plan.

Not all plans are equal, though. Some will be better than others.

Take a look at this chart to see what I mean:

Chart showing chances to get your ex back with different plans

As you can see, you increase your chances further by following a specialists instructions versus a generalists.

Lot’s of people have advice to give about all manner of relationship problems…

But some ONLY deal with specific problems. And as a result, they are better at THAT type of problem.

Ergo, to improve your chances, choose a breakup repair specialist over a generalist.

And to get the MOST potential for success, invest in a premium —comprehensive— program developed by said breakup specialist.

Don’t Try to Get Your Ex Back Until After You Use This Free Tool

Still love your ex? Get smart before you act.

This free tool gives you:

  • Custom advice for your situation
  • Clear next steps
  • Pitfalls to avoid

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